Vaser Lipo HD
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Vaser Lipo HD – the top liposuction – liposculpting treatment.

How does it work? 

During treatment, two very thin micro-cannulas are inserted through 2 incisions (2mm) which liquidate local fat with the help of an ultrasound.

The energy channeled mobilizes fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin and helps the area not to present looseness.

Which are the advantages of the Vaser Lipo HD method?

– The process is painless and no recovery time is needed.

– Accurate targeting of fatty tissue.

– Fat reduction, tightening and muscle definition (3 in 1 method) at only one session.

– By liquidizing fat through thermal ultrasound, trauma to neighboring tissue is minimized, which reduces bleeding and bruising.

– Skin injury locally is minimal, as micro-cannulas are used (4 mm incisions).

– Skin loosening is prevented with the use of thermal ultrasound. Recovery time is only 2 weeks.

– The results are immediately visible after a week, in contrast to classical liposuction where 3 to 4 weeks are needed.

Vaser Lipo HD

How long does treatment last?

Depending on the person’s needs, it can last from 1 to 2 hours.

Who is the “ideal patient”?

The ideal patient experiences local accumulation of persistent fat and wishes an immediate result, painless and with minimal trauma.

Make your appointment today and get information from the experienced Figura staff regarding the treatment that best suits your needs. For spectacular results, combine it with medical aesthetic treatments for the body but also for the face.

Which areas is it applied to?

Abdomen Sides, Thighs, Back, Abdomen Sides, Thighs, Arms, Hands, Abdomen, Knees

What are its characteristics and advantages?

Liposuction Vaser. This innovative method provides a quick and painless result.

This method is intended for women and men who wish to get rid of accumulated local fat. It is no suggested for obese persons, as is true with every liposuction method.


What are its features and advantages:

Vaser Lipo HD χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Visible results after one week

Vaser Lipo HD χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

It provides tightening and muscular definition in just one session

Vaser Lipo HD χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Recovery time is only 2 weeks

Vaser Lipo HD χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Treatment duration: 1-2 hours

Vaser Lipo HD χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Ideal treatment for persons with persistent local fat

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