Face treatments providing a perfect boost to our mood and self-confidence!
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Face treatments providing a perfect boost to our mood and self-confidence!

Face treatments providing a perfect boost to our mood and self-confidence!

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The truth is that we change. We change day by day, but there are moments in time when we can see it more intensely and it looks more definitive than ever.

Suddenly, our jeans are pressing in other body areas that those we had been used to, new white hairs grow where there were none before and our make-up is no longer smooth, because new creases have appeared on the skin.

Recently, Emma Thompson made a statement which many women would never make, but which reflect them 100%. She said that she finds it extremely difficult to stand in front of her mirror naked and see her body and face without drawing her belly in, stretching the skin on her face or posing in a way that hides imperfections. And we love her just because of that.

In this statement, she managed to summarize female psychology as it has been formed by stereotypes and the signs of the times.

Women more than men, have huge difficulty to accept changes in our body and face and there is always something bothering us somewhere. These changes may affect our psychology. We feel fatter, uglier, older and in the end lesser, not always than our surroundings, but more often than what we remember ourselves as being!

Luckily for all of us, we can now count on the development of aesthetic medicine and in a minimally invasive way, with the help of a magic wand, improve the appearance of our face safely and with totally natural results.

How can this be achieved?

Health and skin clinic Figura Clinica and its experienced staff can find solutions to all the problems a face may experience. With the help of JUVÉDERM®, the top brand in face fillers with hyaluronic acid, we provide renewal, enhancement and restoration of the face volume, with natural results and duration from 9 to 24 months, depending on the selected treatment.

Let’s see in detail how we treat each face area separately.

At Figura Clinica, we can effectively treat volume loss at the temples and cheekbones by using the application Juvéderm® VOLUMA, which is a classic application with high rates of satisfaction for the persons who selected it! It is hyaluronic acid that provides firmness and freshness as it replaces the lost volume of our face.

For tired look, dark circles or bags troubling us in the area below the eyes, we choose hyaluronic Juvéderm® VOLBELLA, which renews and smooths the area, with results that may last up to 12 months.

In the middle part of our face, the appearance of wrinkles in the nasolabial may bother us, and they are treated with Juvéderm® VOLIFT.

Moreover, with the help of hyaluronic acid, we can improve and restore volume in the outline of the jaw and chin by sculpting the low part of the face.

If the face needs are milder and we need substantial hydration, the hyaluronic acid Juvéderm® VOLITE may provide an amazing result. It improves skin quality and smooths fine lines in the face, neck and décolleté, giving our skin a fresh and youthful look.

In short, the solutions to the problems that concern us in relation to our face (or even our body) are now available and very readily approachable for each one of us. The time when such treatments were taboo have long passed. Now the trend is self-care and looking for those actions which make us feel good about ourselves!

The solution is in our hands!


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