Eyes Antiaging
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Treatment for dark circles and swelling

Eyes Antiaging. Face aesthetics with us is like a magic wand for every woman or man who wants to win the battle with time. Besides weight control, aesthetic medicine has achieved scientific feats in the anti-aging sector. With protocols which soften wrinkles, improve skin tone and can take away years from the human face. Eye speciale is a specialized eye treatment for reducing dark circles and swelling around the eyes which bother so many people. Even the most beautiful eyes lose their magic, since dark circles make them look heavy, lifeless and tired. They are also the first thing anyone notices.

Eyes Antiaging

How does Eyes Antiaging work?

With the help of small, mild suctions at the micro-lymph of the eyes and face, immediate reduction of the swelling is achieved, Mild circle decolorisation, therefore I would suggest that you apply in one eye first, in order to show the result, and then to continue as usual. Subsequently, cryotherapy relieves tired eyes, reduces swelling. Collagen leaves and special caviar masks for the eyes nourish the area and help its regeneration. It is good to try and find out what causes them.

Lack of sleep, lack of water, lack of iron or bad iron absorption, many hours in front of a computer screen without filters, are some of the usual reasons why someone has dark circles. Therefore we can give some advice for the everyday life of the person who has them and advise them regularly to select this treatment for symptom relief and a more rested and healthy look.

Our staff will guide you and assist you in finding the perfect treatment for you. We want you to have the best possible results and we are here to help you!

what else can do?

Through small, gentle suctions on the microlymph of the eyes and face, the immediate reduction of swelling and mild discoloration of the circles is achieved.

Afterwards, cryotherapy relieves tired eyes, reduces swelling.

Collagen sheets and special caviar masks for the eyes nourish the area and help to regenerate it.
Eyes Antiaging Πώς λειτουργεί

What are its features and advantages:

Eyes Antiaging χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Reduction of dark circles

Eyes Antiaging χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Treatment time: 40′-60′

Eyes Antiaging χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Non-invasive method

Eyes Antiaging χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Lymphatic drainage and relief of the skin in the eye area

Eyes Antiaging χαρακτηριστικά και πλεονεκτήματα

Visible results

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